

  • Reworked save and load functionality using GameInstance as the manager to keep data across levels and dump desired data to disk. Before, components were able to save data directly to disk, but its better to let the GameInstance handle that for flexibility.
  • Added function EquipFromContainer to abstract container origin (not only player inventory), so now an item can be equipped directly from any container like storage for example.
  • Added function UpdateEquipmentVisuals to encapsulate all the visuals functionality.
  • Removed OnSaveExtraData and OnLoadExtraData events for child container types, now to expand save and load functionality (for example player’s inventory money) just override the SaveContainer and LoadContainer functions to add the necessary code.
  • Added OnEquipmentSlotDrop event with default functionality already implemented (unequip basically), but can be overriden to suit specific needs.
  • Added function CanBeUsed in BP_BaseItem to remove the UsedSuccessfully boolean. Now its easier to override if an item should be used or not.
  • Event OnItemUsed in BP_BaseItem is now called OnStartItemEffect.
  • Added events OnFinishItemEffect and OnItemUseFailed in BP_BaseItem.


  • Fixed bug where non equippable items were used when dragged to an equipment slot.


  • Add widget to show keyboard controls and shotcuts when using the system.
  • Improve the example scene.
  • Add some real functionality to an item instead of just explaining how to do it.
  • Add functions to dynamically increase the amounts of slots in container.